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Business Development

What differentiates a successful medical practice and a marginally successful practice is how they view the same challenge or problem

Patient Acquisition Cost
What differentiates a successful medical practice and a marginally successful practice is how they view the same challenge or problem. Alliance Health System helps improve every practice by focusing on the fundamentals, Patient Acquisition Cost. With our expertise in Practice Management and Business Development as well Alliance Health System can clearly outline the costs of acquiring new customers while also establishing the best marketing programs that will procure patients in a profitable manner. Customer acquisition cost is not what you are spending to acquire the customer, but the money you are losing by NOT acquiring more customers.
Physician Alignment and Growth

Alliance Health System can provide professional networking solutions to align physicians with optimal referral sources who can drive sustainable patient volume and growth. Alliance’s model is driven by strengthening physician culture and increasing physician engagement while solidifying the physician network’s brand and marketability.

Campaign Management
Most, if not all, medical practices are facing a common challenge: to do more with less. With insurance reimbursements continuing to decrease, there is the need to reach more patient segments, more quickly and more precisely— and all while stabilizing marketing budgets. This is driving a need for innovative and cost effective marketing practices and none more so than in the area of digital content development and distribution. By adopting the Alliance Health System campaign marketing model, medical practices can expect to save in execution and increase their exposure to market.